Mobileappsgallery has launched exclusive special offers for their customer’s to download free android apps specially made for Valentine’s Day. You can also download this app source code with 25% discount that means the customers can buy iPhone and android source code from us and this is a part of their valentine’s 2013 exclusive gift.
Valentine’s Day Live Wallpaper Android Application

The live wallpapers gives the user with the functionality to choose the background color from the wide range of options which portray the true, simple & genuine love for its beloved. Make this Valentine’s Day more wonderful with the Valentine's live wallpapers creates you really feel close to your beloved. A exclusive way to show yourself for the one you feel, together with the quotes, name of your beloved. Thus you can customize which will display to which it is dedicated to do not forget to select this wallpapers while you are purchasing for android apps. To make your beloved feel special, you can share the wallpaper on your Face Book, as face Book profile page will bloom up with this kind of application.
Features of The Valentine's Day Live Wallpaper:
- Superior sum of quotes exclusively devoted to your loved ones.
- Can select the font that quote is displayed.
- How the quote is exhibit keep changing to make it look prettier.
- Select the background color of your choice.
- Your loved one's name will be displayed at the end of the quote.